VMware Datastore Monitoring from the Cloud

Monitor and manage various metrics of your VMware vSphere datastores including storage, latency, and snapshot size.

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Get the full picture of your VMware datastore performance.

All about datastores.

View data on every storage aspect of your datastores—free space, used space, capacity, snapshots, swap file space, disk file space, and log file size—with real-time graphs. Use these metrics to plan your storage requirements and space distribution.

More about associated VMs.

Obtain stats on your virtual machine's critical performance metrics like read latency, write latency, read rate, write rate, average read requests per second, average write requests per second, and log file size.

Stay on top of all performance issues.

  • Identify top VMs by space occupied.
  • Pinpoint critical VMs with higher read/write latencies.
  • Locate additional space requirements.
  • Detect VMs demanding dedicated space.
  • Track increases in snapshot and swap file size.
  • Obtain stats on virtual disk space occupancy.

All your datastore management needs in a single dashboard.

Getting started with monitoring your virtual storage repository.

List of Basic monitors:


Server (Charged based on servers and not individual metrics)

Amazon Web Services

List of Advanced monitors:

Network monitoring licensing is purely based on the number of interfaces that are monitored. It is mandatory to have at least one active interface in order to monitor a device. While ten performance counters per device can be monitored for free, every additional ten is counted as one interface.

Every webpage that is loaded in the browser is considered as a page view, irrespective of the number of resources that are loaded behind. For example, for a single page to load, there are various resource calls for images, css, etc, which are not counted in page views. Only the webpage that the user visits is counted as page views.

Credits are auto-refilled every month, however left over refilled credits are not carried forward to the next month.

Premium support includes email, community, chat and phone.